G&W Commercial HVAC Services
Automation Control
Some of the commercial air conditioning services in Houston we provide:
With a building automation and control system in place, you can access and monitor your facility from nearly anywhere.
At G&W Services, we understand that you want an A/C system that provides both comfortable climates as well as operates at a peak efficiency rate. Balancing this fine line is easy, with the help of G&W Services Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS).
With an automated control system, all of your facilities’ energy use, heating, cooling, lighting, and other functions are controlled from where you are.
Helpful Tip
Building Automation and Control have come a long way…you no longer have to feel chained to the same manufacturer for replacement or upgrades as you once have. With today’s advanced equipment, you can share important information from one equipment manufacturer to another.
If you already have a building automation and control system in place, you are aware of the savings it provides along with the ever-important workplace comfort. We want to help install the right system to fit your facility and service the system with an affordable maintenance plan.

For more information on climate control monitoring and maintenance, critical system controls and monitoring, indoor/outdoor lighting and controls, or even metering utilities all within your building automation and controls system, call 713-227-3404.

Call us to get started on your next project.
Contact Us
2503 Capitol Ave.
Houston, TX 77003
Phone: (713) 227-3404
Fax: (713) 227-3410
Email us at: dispatch@gwacservice.com
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